Benefits of Yoga & Therapy with Yoga

Yoga, although non-competitive, is nevertheless challenging. The challenge is to one’s own willpower. It is a competition between one’s self and one’s body. Yoga is a process of all round personality development by:

  1. Deep relaxation at muscular level
  2. Slowing down of breath and maintaining balance at Pranic level
  3. Increasing creativity and willpower at mental level
  4. Sharpening the intellect and calming down the mind at intellectual level
  5. Enhancing the happiness in life and equipoise at emotional level, and
  6. Manifesting the innate divinity in man in all aspects of life.

Advantage of Yoga over physical Exercise – Most diseases are caused by the fluctuations in the brain and in the behavioural pattern of the body. In yogic practice, the brain is quietened, the senses are stilled, and perceptions are altered, all generating a calm feeling of detachment. With practice, the student of yoga learns to treat the brain as an object and the body as a subject. Energy is diffused from the brain to the other parts of the body. The brain and the body then work together and energy is evenly balanced between the two. Yoga is thus termed sarvanga sadhana or “holistic practice”

No other form of exercise so completely involves the mind and self with the body, resulting in all-round development and harmony. Other forms of exercise address only particular parts of the body. Such forms are termed angabhaga sadhana or “physical exercise”.

Other Physical Exercise

Exercise usually involves quick and forceful body movements. It has repeated actions that often lead to exertion, tension, and fatigue.

Other endurance exercises are irritative.

For instance, medical experts claim that jogging stimulates the heart. In fact, though the heartbeat of the jogger increases, the heart is not stimulated in the yogic sense of being energized and invigorated.

Exercise can also be exhausting. Many forms of exercise require physical strength and endurance, and can lead to a feeling of fatigue after 1.0-15 minutes of practice. Many such exercises improve energy levels by boosting nerve function, but ultimately, this exhausts the cellular reserves and the endocrine glands. Cellular toxins increase, and though circulation is enhanced, it is at the cost of irritating the other body systems and increasing the pulse rate and blood pressure. Ultimately, the heart is taxed and overworked.

An athlete’s strong lung capacity is achieved by hard and forceful usage, which is not conducive to preserving the health of the lungs. Furthermore, ordinary physical exercise, such as jogging, tennis, or football, lends itself to repetitive injuries of the bones, joints, and ligaments.

Such forms of exercise work with — and for — the skeletal and muscular systems. They cannot penetrate beyond these limits.

Although all forms of exercise bring about a feeling of well-being, they also stress the body. In other forms of exercise, the movements are restricted to a part or parts. They are reflex actions, which do not involve the intelligence in their execution. There is little space for precision and perfection, without extra expenditure of energy.

Physically vigorous exercises cannot be performed easily because of stiffening joints and muscles that have lost tone. Isometric exercises, for example, cannot be practised with increasing age, as they lead to sprained muscles, painful joints, strained body systems, and the degeneration of organs.

Yoga Asana

Yoga asanas, on the other hand, involve movements that bring stability to the body, the senses, the mind, the intellect, the consciousness, and finally, to the conscience. The very essence of an asana is steady movement, a process that does not simply end, but finds fulfilment in tranquillity.

Yoga asanas are stimulative exercises

In yoga, back bends, for example, are more physically demanding than jogging, but the heart beats at a steady, rhythmic pace.

Asanas do not lead to breathlessness. When practising yoga, strength and power play separate roles to achieve a perfect balance in every part of the body as well as the mind. After such stimulating exercise, a sense of rejuvenation and a fresh surge of energy follow

But asanas penetrate each layer of the body and, ultimately, the consciousness itself. Yoga can you keep both the body and the mind relaxed, even as you stretch, extend, rotate, and flex your body.

Yoga, unlike other forms of exercise, keeps the nervous system elastic and capable of bearing stress. Yoga refreshes the body, while other systems exhaust it. Yoga involves the equal exertion of all parts of the body and does not overstrain any one part.

Yoga can be practised at any age with advancing age, the great advantage of yoga is that it can be practised by anyone, irrespective of age, sex, and physical condition. In fact, yoga is particularly beneficial in middle age and after. Yoga is a gift to older people when the recuperative power of the body is declining and resistance to illness is weakened. Yoga generates energy and does not dissipate it. With yoga one can look forward to a satisfying, healthier future, rather than reflecting on one’s youthful past. Unlike other exercises, yoga results in the concentration of immunity cells in areas affected by disease, and thus improves immunity. That is why the ancient sages called yoga a therapeutic as well as a preventive science.

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