Yoga Therapy for Obesity


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Yoga Therapy for Obesity


Days : Mon-Wed-Fri- Sun(8 Classes spread over 2 weeks) Online & Offline

Days : Tue-Thu-Sat-Sun (8 Classes spread over 2 weeks) Online & Offline

Duration: 1.5 hours

Time: Morning (6.30-8.00am) OR Evening (5.30-7.00pm) batch

(Timings may change based on group preference)

Class Strength: 4 minimum I  6 Maximum

Classes: 8 Classes of 90 minutes each. Classes will be mix of Yogic Kriyas, Asana, Pranayama, Yog Nidra & principles of Yogic Diet

Practitioner is advised to join monthly Yoga classes after the course.

Fee details:

  • Indian National : 5000
  • Senior Citizens : 50% Discount (Send enquiry for discount code)
  • Foreigners : $75 (Send enquiry for bookings )
Categories: , Product ID: 6606


Of the many medical conditions that we face due to our stressful lifestyles, obesity is perhaps one of the most harmful one. Defined as a condition where excessive fat is accumulated and stored in the body, obesity is known to increase health risks like heart attacks.

What is Obesity?

People with BMI in the range between 25 and 30 are considered overweight while those with BMI above 30 are considered obese. So Technically speaking, being obese is different from being overweight. Obesity is mainly due to intake of excessive food energy and sedentary life style. It can also be hereditary. However, in some cases it is caused by genes, endocrine disorders, some medication or psychiatric illness. Nowadays stress also plays a vital role in causing obesity. Psychological disturbances propel a person to seek comfort in food -such a person may consume excess food. Children suffering from such disturbances, tend to become obese.

One of the most challenging aspects of combating obesity is incorporating physical activity into the lifestyles of individuals who struggle with limited mobility as a result of their increased weight. In this circumstances yoga therapy can play a vital role in shedding excessive fat.


Yoga Therapy for Weight Loss & Obesity?

Yoga is absolutely a gift to humanity from our ancestors. In yoga therapy, asanas are not practiced for the sake of burning extra calories, but to develop body awareness, to understand the language of body, the way it works, and what suits it best. Even though the aim of yoga is not just for weight loss, this is bound to happen as an outcome of our increased self-awareness. However, one must remember 3 D’s i.e. Discipline, Determination and Dedication in reducing weight naturally and allow his or her awareness to develop in a positive and constructive manner.

Be a part of this 5-day course where you will learn additional specific asana, kriya, pranayama, yoga & meditation, that will help in weight loss. It will be a step in the right direction. Let us include yogic practices and beat Obesity
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