Dr. Anna Frohm


Anna Foham

A certified Physiotherapist, PhD in Sports Medicine and Physical Activity.

Author and Co- author to national and international Sportsmedicin books.

I have over 30 years of clinical experience and 23 published research articles on injuries and prevention in sports & health ResearchGate https://researchgate.net/AnnaFrohm
My goal is to increase the knowledge and awareness for my athletes/patients to a HEALTHIER SPORTS and SUSTAINABLE LIFE by becoming more aware of the interaction between body, mind and soul * BodyMindSoul *.
My business concept is based on medical science, Indian philosophy (Yoga) and my own ability to help others reach their full potential by opening the door to their own awareness of their mind and body.
KNOWLEDGE will be disseminated at both micro and macro level through theory and practice.

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