Pranayama Level 1


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Pranayama Level 1


Days : 2nd Sunday of every month

Time: 8am – 9am IST

Classes: Classes is of 60 minutes (Please be empty stomach)

Fee details:

  • Indian National : 500
  • Senior Citizens : 50% Discount (Send enquiry for discount code)
  • Foreigners : $15 (Send enquiry for bookings )
Categories: , , Product ID: 5454


The ancient Indian sages knew that some breathing techniques were simple to practice and brought great relaxation to the body and mind. These breathing techniques can be practiced with ease and at any time of the day on an empty stomach. Join the class, learn how to do pranayama.

We all know that breathing is important, but because it happens without much thought, we tend to take for granted the enormous power of the breath. When we learn how to breathe with awareness, we can begin to loosen the grip of negative thoughts and emotions, and build the foundation that supports the journey of self-transformation.

Join the workshop for a comprehensive weekend dedicated to exploring breathing practices that can promote healing and balance at the deepest physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

During this weekend pranayama workshop, you will:

  1. Explore systematic methods of calming the nervous system using the breath
  2. Take a comprehensive look at the dynamics of breathing from an anatomical, physiological, and energetic perspective
  3. Become more aware of how and where the breath moves in your body
  4. Practice techniques precisely designed to establish diaphragmatic breathing and a relaxed awareness in the abdominal area
  5. Explore specific postures, techniques, and skills for effectively strengthening a chronically weak and often under performing respiratory diaphragm
  6. Cover the essential components of finding a comfortable seated posture to effectively collect, contain, and direct your energy for transformation
  7. This pranayama intensive is about more than learning how to breathe. It is a deep look at understanding, building, and directing energy. Without breath there is no energy, there is no life, and there is no yoga. By learning more about how your breath works, you can improve the quality and capacity of your life force and move toward the attainment of fulfillment (bhoga) and freedom (apavarga)—the ultimate goals of yoga.

Experience the profound effect that conscious, deep diaphragmatic breath can have in your life. The life force moving inside you is the greatest tool of all for tapping into deep healing, lasting joy, and immeasurable peace.

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