Meaning and Vision

Samattvam means ‘Equanimity’ or being in perfect balance. Samattvaṁ is a very practical solution to the vicissitudes of life. If we are sailing in the ocean in a boat, it is natural to expect the waves of the ocean to shake the boat. It we get disturbed each time a wave rocks the boat, our miseries would be endless. And if we do not expect the waves to arise, we would be expecting the ocean to become something other than natural self. Waves are an inseparable phenomenon of the ocean. Similarly, as we wade through the ocean of life, it throws up all kinds of waves that are beyond our control. If we keep struggling to eliminate negative situations, we will be unable to avoid unhappiness. But if we can learn to accept everything that comes our way, without sacrificing our best efforts, will be true Yoga.   This equanimity that enables us to accept all circumstances with serenity is so praiseworthy that Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita calls it Yoga or union with the Supreme.

Humans are a combination of the senses of perception, the organs of action, the mind, the intelligence, the inner consciousness, and the conscience. Health is not just freedom from disease; for good health, the joints, tissues, muscles, cells, nerves, glands, and each system of the body must be in a state of perfect balance and harmony. Health is this perfect equilibrium of the body, mind, intellect and soul. Each of these is worked upon using yoga techniques at Samattvam. Health then is like the flowing water of a river, always fresh and pure.

We vision is to share the treasured knowledge of Yoga with intent to take its benefit to one and all.

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