Yoga at Samattvam

Yoga’s system of healing at Samattvam is based on the premise that the body should be allowed to function as naturally as possible. Practising the recommended yogic techniques first rejuvenate your body, and then tackle the causes of the ailment. The science of Health and Healing with YOGA does not consist of mere exercise routine. It emphasizes on many subtle factors like yogic cleansing techniques, breathing techniques, principle of diet, relaxation and restoration, culturing mind with positive thinking and meditative techniques along with regular exercises in form of physical postures. With this a positive shift in personal attitudes and habits is achieved bringing about beneficial changes in the whole metabolic process, limiting not just to physical health but also generating a sense of happiness and fulfillment. It encourages personal growth and development by bringing mind and body into a mutual state of well-being, balance, ease and vibrant alertness.

The human body is a very complex piece of machinery, a finely connected network of muscles, joints, nerves, veins, arteries, and capillaries. It is a hard task to keep all these elements co-ordinated and in good working order under the best of circumstances. More often than not, ailments, whether minor or major, affect the body. The science of yoga, as well as that of Ayurveda (a traditional Indian system of healing based on herbal remedies), classify ailments that afflict the body and the mind under three basic categories. These are: self-inflicted ailments, caused by neglect or abuse of the body; congenital ailments, present from birth; and ailments caused by the imbalance of any of the five elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth, in our system. We believe, yoga can treat all three, but the pace and effectiveness of the cure depends on the type of ailment, its progression, the patient’s constitution, and his or her commitment to the practice.

After Yoga Therapy has been instituted and practiced for some time, it becomes easier, in retrospect, to see what has happened. Even if we leave the yoga practices when a cure has taken place, the memories and impressions remain and eventually we realise that Yoga transcends the purely therapeutic approach to disease, and we begin to see it as a valuable aid to healthy living and spiritual evolution.

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